16 MARCH 2020 


In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, please see below details of our policy for business operations and managing the risk. 


NOTE: This page is continually being reviewed and likely to change in response to the changing nature of the risk and latest Government advice. The guidance below is correct as of the date above. Please check regularly. 


General Business Continuity measures we have in place  


As part of our business continuity plans (BCP) Quilliam has clear and up-to-date BCP escalation plan in place. This will ensure timely communication to our people in case we need to invoke a BCP plan 

All of our team have re-appraised themselves of our BCP procedures and understand their responsibilities. 

Our BCP policies are accessible to all from Personal Computer and through their mobile handsets 

We have a Business Continuity Team (Julia Quilliam, Craig Quilliam and Simon Groves) who are jointly responsible for ensuring that staff have the support they need and where necessary actions undertaken. 

In the event of a BCP plan being activated, our Business Continuity Team will work with the local team to ensure continuity of service to our clients. 


The Government publishes daily updates. It is worth keeping a close eye on these as the situation is evolving quickly. 


Enhanced public health measures we are observing in response to COVID-19 


A continuing programme of communication to all our people through email, Propertyfile, office posters, team meetings and communications-cascade, to observe the enhanced public health measures at all times: 

i.Regularly wash hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds.  

ii.Carry a tissue at all times. Catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue and throw the tissue in the bin (Catch It. Bin It. Kill It) 

iii.Avoid touching your face 

iv.Avoid greeting by shaking hands or ‘kissing on cheeks’. 


All of our offices have anti-bacterial gel and anti-bacterial wipes available 

All of our people to be communicated with in an open and clear manner to encourage those with specific health concerns to raise them 

Attendance of large meetings and training events to be fully risk assessed and risk mitigation measures put in place. Wherever possible webinars and video conferencing to be employed instead. 

Before attending a client’s property make enquiries as to whether there are any suspected or confirmed cases of Coronavirus. If there are cases do not attend the property unless for essential repairs (see Section G below) 

Refrain from shaking hands and remain at least 2m distance. 




If property occupiers or prospective buyers/tenants are self-isolating, property viewings may not be possible. Wherever possible video tours can be pre-recorded and uploaded to YouTube, the URL can then be sent to prospective viewers if required.   


When arranging access, property occupiers should be asked to inform us if they are self-isolating, or if they have recently experienced symptoms of the virus.  If they are, then viewings/visits will be suspended on that property until either 14 days has passed or they have had a negative test. 



Business continuity measures relating to a short period of office closure 


All of our staff have broadband at home and a smartphone and access to a computer.  

Cloud based systems including Jupix mean that our staff are able to access our business systems remotely. 

Our team will remain productive and still be able effectively to support our clients 

Our telephone lines will be diverted to one of our team’s mobile phone 





A. If we have a suspected case of Coronavirus in the office  


1.The Business Continuity Team should be notified and kept in continual communication 

2.If the suspected case is a staff member of the Quilliam team they should self-isolate immediately 

3.If the suspected case is a member of the public or a client please support the individual and co-ordinate, however is required 

4.Liaise with the local NHS Public Health Protection Team 

5.Notify the adjoining businesses  

6.Current guidance from the government is that the office should remain open and business will continue as usual 

7.Public health measures will be further emphasised: 

i.Keeping clean hands 

ii.Catch It. Bin It. Kill It 

iii.Using tele and video conferencing wherever possible 

iv.Using anti-bac wipes at workstations 

v.Using anti-bac hand gel 

8.Keep in regular contact with the individual to ascertain their medical diagnosis 


B.  If we have a confirmed case of Coronavirus in the office 


1.The individual should follow medical advice 

2.Our Business Continuity Plan will be activated. 

3.The Business Continuity Team should be notified and kept in continual communication 

4.Liaise with the local NHS Public Health Protection team 

5.Advise neighbouring businesses 

6.Analyse who the person has worked closely with in the period immediately prior to diagnosis / self-isolation 

7.Current guidance from the government is that the office will need to be deep cleaned and sanitised. This may require the office to close temporarily. See section E guidance below. 

8.Once the cleaning work is complete the office should re-open and operate as normal 


For Rental Properties 


C. Suspected case of Coronavirus in a property we manage 


1.Follow Guidance of Section A1 – A3 

2.Ensure a member of staff at Quilliam is notified 

3.Ensure the Landlord is notified 

4.Public health measures should be emphasised to all visitors to the property: 

i.Keeping clean hands 

ii.Catch It. Bin It. Kill It 

iii.Using anti-bac wipes at workstations 

iv.Using anti-bac hand gel 

5.Keep in regular contact with the individual to ascertain their medical diagnosis 


D. Confirmed case of Coronavirus in a property we manage    


1.Follow Guidance of Section B1 – B3. 

2.Ensure a member of staff at Quilliam is notified 

3.Ensure tenants and tenant representatives are notified 

4.Ensure the Landlord is notified 

5.Analyse who the person has worked closely with and / or the areas of the building or individual property they visited in the period immediately prior to diagnosis/self-isolation 

6.The building may need to be deep cleaned, see section F for further guidance 


E. Deep cleaning of non-residential buildings with a confirmed case of Coronavirus 


1.Current guidance from the government is the building would need to be deep cleaned and sanitised. This may require us to close the building temporarily 

2.Gain building owner permission to organise necessary cleaning 

3.Keep in regular contact with tenants and tenant representatives 

4.If the building has been temporarily closed, once cleaning work has taken place and is complete the building will re-open and operate as normal 


F. Deep cleaning of residential buildings with a confirmed case of Coronavirus 


1.The nature of every residential building is different and our response will need to be carefully considered to ensure the correct actions are taken. 


G. Repairs to properties with a confirmed case of Coronavirus that we manage    


1.Only essential repairs will be undertaken 

2.The contractor attending the property must be informed of the case and asked to provide a suitable and sufficient risk assessment outlining their hazard control measures 

3.Hazard control measures that contractors might document in their risk assessments could include: 

i.Be less than 40 years old, fit with no underlying medical conditions and have no vulnerable persons in their household who could be at risk if infected 

ii.PPE such as a facemask, goggles and disposable gloves will be worn 

iii.The attending person will keep at least 2 m away from tenants at all times 

iv.Offers of drinks or food from the tenants while on the property will be declined 

v.The relevant enhanced public health measures as per C5 will be observed 


H. Suspected or Confirmed case of Coronavirus in a contractor 


1.Follow Guidance of Section B1 – B2 

2.The Property Manager must be informed 

3.The Contractor must not attend any managed properties or offices 





Page Break 

What is Coronavirus? 


Coronaviruses are a family of viruses common across the world in animals and humans. Certain types cause illnesses in people. 


COVID-19 is the illness seen in people infected with a new strain of coronavirus not previously seen in humans. 


What are the symptoms? 


Based on current evidence, the main symptoms of COVID-19 are a cough, a high temperature and, in severe cases, shortness of breath. 


As it is a new virus, the lack of immunity in the population (and the absence as yet of an effective vaccine) means that COVID-19 has the potential to spread extensively. 


Among those who become infected, some will exhibit no symptoms. Of those who develop an illness, the great majority will have a mild-to-moderate, but self-limiting illness – similar to seasonal flu. 


A minority of people who get COVID-19 will develop complications severe enough to require hospital care, most often pneumonia. 


How to avoid catching or spreading coronavirus 



  • Wash you hands with soap and water often, for at least 20 seconds 

  •  Wash your hands regularly throughout the day, and every time you return to the office from an appointment 

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you sneeze, not your hands 

  • Put used tissues into the bin straight away and wash your hands 

  • Regularly wipe down your work station’s surfaces 



  • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean 


If you experience symptoms 


Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Call 111 if you need to speak to someone. 

How to self-isolate if you’re asked to 

If there’s a chance you could have coronavirus, you may be asked to stay away from other people. This means you should: 

  • Stay at home 

  • Not go to work, school or public places 

  • Not use public transport 

  • Ask friends, family members or delivery services to do errands for you 

  • Try to avoid visitors to your home 


You may need to do this for up to 14 days to help reduce the possible spread of infection.  


03/16/20 #Coronavirus #COVID-19
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